Main Label: I, Me & Myself
"Oh no... Lieh not enough le... Everybody wants a piece of Lieh! I wish for 8 more Liehs: (1) One for God, (2) One for family, (3) One for friends (and maybe one more for more friends!), (4) One for games! (5) One for gym and be handsome, (6) One to do Great things! (7) One to do all other little things, (8) One to enjoy every beautiful things in the world, (9) And last one just for simply doing nothing! ... ... ... Ok, reserve for girl friend lah!"Lieh
Haha... Obviously the concept of the picture cames from the movie, "L - Change the World", side story of "Death Note". These two are the original pictures I've found in the web:

Hmmm... Should I say the copyright thing?? "I do not own the 2 pictures above...

Needless to say, I love this story, "Death Note" and of course, the character, L. I am always attracted to wisdom and stuff, I love to think and think hard, think all sort of things, and sometimes you can say that I 走火入魔 (think until mind goes haywire)~! Haha... Nevertheless, I still like it that way... You can't stop me from thinking and talking nonsense, you know~ Haha...
Anyways, it is the title of the movie that makes me thinking... "What change(s) the world?", or "What can change the world?" Before answering that, 2 other important questions must be answered also: (1) "What needs to be changed (actually)?" (2) "What is the direction for the change?" For Q2, I mean that what do you want to achieve, what is your goal? When you have the answers for the 2 questions, then it should not be difficult to answer "what change the world?', right?
Another way of Analyzing the question of "What change the world?", is first by knowing the Current World Setting (CWS), oops, another new acronym from me~! Haha... The CWS can be further found out by asking this question: "What shape the world?" Yeah~! This is what I want to say actually lah... "What shape the world?" Because I had created a quote for that, and I'd put it in my MSN status once:-
"Shape" is another word of saying what has already been changed. Because a shape is an already-formed outline; it is there already; it has been shaped; It is not unformed or unshaped. Though certain shapes are not visible easily with the eyes, it does not necessary mean that the shape is not there. And I am implying this theory into our world. That's why, "what shape(s) the world?" is actually questions about the world, such as "what influence(s) this world?" "What are the major 'stakeholders' (is that a right word to use here?) in the world?" "What has caused our world today? Our cultures, our lifestyle, our belief system, and etc. stuff?" And the questions goes on... Rationally, in order to answer them, the first step is to list down, to identify those "points" individually, and that is the question "what is the shape of our world?" ! !
One of the most basic shapes that we ever learned, is round shape, or circle. In fact, the Earth we live on is a sphere, in 2D, it is a circle! So we live in a round world, or round round world (if you're Chinese like me, you usually will say it 2 times.) The Earth revolves around the Sun in a circle pattern. That is Astronomy, that is Science. What about our lifestyle? Yes, it is repeatable, it repeats around our History. We usually say it this way: "History repeats itself" (历史重演). And when things repeat repeatedly (running out of words to describe), ok, when things keeps on repeating, it becomes a cycle. Do I need to tell you that there are many cycles in the world? So, we do live in a round round world, or rather round round round round ... ... ... ... (round x n) ... ... ... ... world... And if you sit in front of a monitor, working all days or blogging all days like me, your tummy gonna turn round round too~! Haha...
Oh! Just realised that I haven't come into the main course! My name, Lieh, the acronym of Lieh. And how it can change the world blah blah blah... ok, I will say it now...
I purposely give my name an acronym for ... ... ... fun~! Haha... That's why I do what. Haha... ok, but really, to give a purpose or meaning to it, so that I can live my life to it... Something that I treasure, and also something that can speak of me, because it is my name, right? Also something that I want to achieve in my life... I had thought a lot for it, looking for the "best fit" and "best mix" for the 4 letter words, -- LIEH. Indeed, I had chosen the most difficult values that is more than enough for my whole life to run after, to achieve, and to maintain...:-
L - Love, no doubt.
I - Integrity, very difficult, you say it.
E - Erm... Excellency, to be frank, I rather Enjoy
H - Humility, a real "tricky" value.
Hmmm... it gonna be extremely long again if I am to going through each point in detailsss. I guess I will briefly say about how such values can change the current world only ba...
Love. - Like I say, no doubt. (Eh... I don't mean that the definition of love means have no doubt, I am saying that "no doubt that love is one the most treasured, important, critical values in our world.) If everyone in the world has love, knows how to love, and knows how to love effectively, the world would have like, 90% of the problems gone, "Whoosh!"
Integrity - it is always easy to live a life without integrity, really~! And I am saying that. It helps a lot to achieve short term goals... But a life without integrity, it will spoils you in the long long run of your life journey, especially when storm of life comes and hits... or when you ran out of your lies... that's the time you face Integrity. That's the time you will realize how precious it is, the Integrity. To me, Integrity is like a solid rock, or firm soils the Bible and Jesus is talking about. And that's why Chinese has such idiom: “脚踏实地” which when translated it says: standing on the firm ground. The definition means to live a life of integrity, such as honesty, truthfulness and earnest. Integrity, is like a foundation of your life, if you have it, it won't collapse when the Earth is shaking. If you don't, well, your life collapse in your very eye... You can only hope for the "peaceful" life in order for your lies and fancy stories not to be exposed.
Oh, another main thing about Integrity is that... The world usually seek this in the field of $$$, - Finance. Another thing that makes the world round is money. "Money makes the world go round", have you not heard? When everyone has integrity over his own $$$ and other people's $$$, the whole world's $$$ issues or problems will go like this: "Whoosh!" Indeed, the value of Integrity is priceless~!
Excellency - the quality of your service, the quality of your life, ... ... ... the quality of your everything, revolve around this value, Excellency. Jesus' parable of "going for the extra mile" speaks of the quality of service you can ever provide for the people (like customers), and it is also the key towards your business /career excellency. When everyone has a heart of going towards excellency, in that journey, they will discover their fullest potential also, there by unleashing the 100% purpose of your life, living the best and very best out of your very own life, your life will have no regrets, I tell you.
Humility - I had personal interesting encounter with God regarding this, it is as if Jesus Himself came down and washed my leg, just like the Bible story. After the extremely touching event with Jesus, I would boldly declared that who is this Jesus that I am talking about. From that moment onwards, I can forgive people easily and I will try my best to be as humble as possible. Though at times, I like to "show off" lah, but that's not the pride issue here.
Humility is important... when everyone throws away their pride, the sinful pride, or the self-centered pride I mean of course, human relationships with one another will be like no more barrier, people will love one another in a much better way, thereby increasing the value / quality of love as well. :)
All such values are also associated with other values as well... Such as Love, which is also the greatest of all values, definitely links with whole lot of other values, like caring, edifying, encouraging, sacrifice, commitment, creativity etc. Integrity is associated with trust, truthfulness, security, and stuff. Excellency, can also relate to creativity, and all other values that stands out for the purpose of improving and excelling a business. Indeed,
Lastly, Humility is greatly linked with the value, "Greatness". I got such revelation from the Bible, though Pastor preached about it also, and he used the word "Servanthood" to illustrate.
Heh heh... if you're reading, thank you for reading. Will give more details of my value system in the next blogs ya~! Stay on. Mean while, please help me to live a life, to be the person with those values that I treasure and wanted to achieve. With much loves and appreciation, THANKZ~!
Anyways, it is the title of the movie that makes me thinking... "What change(s) the world?", or "What can change the world?" Before answering that, 2 other important questions must be answered also: (1) "What needs to be changed (actually)?" (2) "What is the direction for the change?" For Q2, I mean that what do you want to achieve, what is your goal? When you have the answers for the 2 questions, then it should not be difficult to answer "what change the world?', right?
Another way of Analyzing the question of "What change the world?", is first by knowing the Current World Setting (CWS), oops, another new acronym from me~! Haha... The CWS can be further found out by asking this question: "What shape the world?" Yeah~! This is what I want to say actually lah... "What shape the world?" Because I had created a quote for that, and I'd put it in my MSN status once:-
"Do you know what shape(s) the world? But before answering that, do you know what is the shape of the world?"And I further answered the question myself, or rather "teasing" the question, by saying:
"We live in a round round world, so we goes on round and round and round..."Yeah~! That's me~! I like to play with words, be it Chinese or English, though I am not so good with languages.
"Shape" is another word of saying what has already been changed. Because a shape is an already-formed outline; it is there already; it has been shaped; It is not unformed or unshaped. Though certain shapes are not visible easily with the eyes, it does not necessary mean that the shape is not there. And I am implying this theory into our world. That's why, "what shape(s) the world?" is actually questions about the world, such as "what influence(s) this world?" "What are the major 'stakeholders' (is that a right word to use here?) in the world?" "What has caused our world today? Our cultures, our lifestyle, our belief system, and etc. stuff?" And the questions goes on... Rationally, in order to answer them, the first step is to list down, to identify those "points" individually, and that is the question "what is the shape of our world?" ! !
One of the most basic shapes that we ever learned, is round shape, or circle. In fact, the Earth we live on is a sphere, in 2D, it is a circle! So we live in a round world, or round round world (if you're Chinese like me, you usually will say it 2 times.) The Earth revolves around the Sun in a circle pattern. That is Astronomy, that is Science. What about our lifestyle? Yes, it is repeatable, it repeats around our History. We usually say it this way: "History repeats itself" (历史重演). And when things repeat repeatedly (running out of words to describe), ok, when things keeps on repeating, it becomes a cycle. Do I need to tell you that there are many cycles in the world? So, we do live in a round round world, or rather round round round round ... ... ... ... (round x n) ... ... ... ... world... And if you sit in front of a monitor, working all days or blogging all days like me, your tummy gonna turn round round too~! Haha...
Oh! Just realised that I haven't come into the main course! My name, Lieh, the acronym of Lieh. And how it can change the world blah blah blah... ok, I will say it now...
I purposely give my name an acronym for ... ... ... fun~! Haha... That's why I do what. Haha... ok, but really, to give a purpose or meaning to it, so that I can live my life to it... Something that I treasure, and also something that can speak of me, because it is my name, right? Also something that I want to achieve in my life... I had thought a lot for it, looking for the "best fit" and "best mix" for the 4 letter words, -- LIEH. Indeed, I had chosen the most difficult values that is more than enough for my whole life to run after, to achieve, and to maintain...:-
L - Love, no doubt.
I - Integrity, very difficult, you say it.
E - Erm... Excellency, to be frank, I rather Enjoy
H - Humility, a real "tricky" value.
Hmmm... it gonna be extremely long again if I am to going through each point in detailsss. I guess I will briefly say about how such values can change the current world only ba...
Love. - Like I say, no doubt. (Eh... I don't mean that the definition of love means have no doubt, I am saying that "no doubt that love is one the most treasured, important, critical values in our world.) If everyone in the world has love, knows how to love, and knows how to love effectively, the world would have like, 90% of the problems gone, "Whoosh!"
Integrity - it is always easy to live a life without integrity, really~! And I am saying that. It helps a lot to achieve short term goals... But a life without integrity, it will spoils you in the long long run of your life journey, especially when storm of life comes and hits... or when you ran out of your lies... that's the time you face Integrity. That's the time you will realize how precious it is, the Integrity. To me, Integrity is like a solid rock, or firm soils the Bible and Jesus is talking about. And that's why Chinese has such idiom: “脚踏实地” which when translated it says: standing on the firm ground. The definition means to live a life of integrity, such as honesty, truthfulness and earnest. Integrity, is like a foundation of your life, if you have it, it won't collapse when the Earth is shaking. If you don't, well, your life collapse in your very eye... You can only hope for the "peaceful" life in order for your lies and fancy stories not to be exposed.
Oh, another main thing about Integrity is that... The world usually seek this in the field of $$$, - Finance. Another thing that makes the world round is money. "Money makes the world go round", have you not heard? When everyone has integrity over his own $$$ and other people's $$$, the whole world's $$$ issues or problems will go like this: "Whoosh!" Indeed, the value of Integrity is priceless~!
Excellency - the quality of your service, the quality of your life, ... ... ... the quality of your everything, revolve around this value, Excellency. Jesus' parable of "going for the extra mile" speaks of the quality of service you can ever provide for the people (like customers), and it is also the key towards your business /career excellency. When everyone has a heart of going towards excellency, in that journey, they will discover their fullest potential also, there by unleashing the 100% purpose of your life, living the best and very best out of your very own life, your life will have no regrets, I tell you.
Humility - I had personal interesting encounter with God regarding this, it is as if Jesus Himself came down and washed my leg, just like the Bible story. After the extremely touching event with Jesus, I would boldly declared that who is this Jesus that I am talking about. From that moment onwards, I can forgive people easily and I will try my best to be as humble as possible. Though at times, I like to "show off" lah, but that's not the pride issue here.
Humility is important... when everyone throws away their pride, the sinful pride, or the self-centered pride I mean of course, human relationships with one another will be like no more barrier, people will love one another in a much better way, thereby increasing the value / quality of love as well. :)
All such values are also associated with other values as well... Such as Love, which is also the greatest of all values, definitely links with whole lot of other values, like caring, edifying, encouraging, sacrifice, commitment, creativity etc. Integrity is associated with trust, truthfulness, security, and stuff. Excellency, can also relate to creativity, and all other values that stands out for the purpose of improving and excelling a business. Indeed,
"there is no success business, but only success people (if "people" is what you want to say) or success system (of course, all successful system is developed by human beings, if not the God, if not... ... ... the devil, you say it.)"Therefore Excellency is definitely associated with unleashing potential, talents and stuff. Also forgetting not the word "believe", why? In order to unleash your potential, you gotta "believe yourself" right? Yah... and so when "belief" comes in, the "faith" factor also comes in. Excellency itself, is never alone. You cannot say I want to excel, I want to be excellent. Well, you gotta have a direction (or a goal) you can excel in, for example, you say, "I want to excel in my career." And that's more like it, yah?
Lastly, Humility is greatly linked with the value, "Greatness". I got such revelation from the Bible, though Pastor preached about it also, and he used the word "Servanthood" to illustrate.
Heh heh... if you're reading, thank you for reading. Will give more details of my value system in the next blogs ya~! Stay on. Mean while, please help me to live a life, to be the person with those values that I treasure and wanted to achieve. With much loves and appreciation, THANKZ~!
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