Main Label: Life Flashback
Woohoo~~! Now is middle of February already! Time really flies! ... No... I think time "dashes"! Ahaha... Finally, after being busy for many stuffs, and still going to be busy with many stuffs, I am now able to gimme some times to do some blog updates...
Time is like a rocket shoot up to the heaven, no U-turning, no slowing and stuff. It just keep dashing towards the sky and you can't grab a hold or make it stop for you. So many days pass with so many interesting events happened and eventually I forgot them and now not able to recall and blog them down... Sigh... But one thing that I remembered that I must blog down, which is also like last year thing, is the Christmas time... So I will start writing them down now before I eventually forget about it...
~ Confession of Not Gifting ~
One thing that I finally realized about my Christmas every year was that I didn't manage to get presents for my friends! One reason, or excuse that I came out myself was "I'm in the midst of Building Fund." What I could recall was, before the Building Fund started some years ago, I managed to buy small, cheap presents for my CG during the Christmas season. But when I committed to the Building Fund my very first time, I stopped this gifting habits. And ever since, Building Fund became my valid reason, or excuse for not gifting...
Time is like a rocket shoot up to the heaven, no U-turning, no slowing and stuff. It just keep dashing towards the sky and you can't grab a hold or make it stop for you. So many days pass with so many interesting events happened and eventually I forgot them and now not able to recall and blog them down... Sigh... But one thing that I remembered that I must blog down, which is also like last year thing, is the Christmas time... So I will start writing them down now before I eventually forget about it...
~ Confession of Not Gifting ~
One thing that I finally realized about my Christmas every year was that I didn't manage to get presents for my friends! One reason, or excuse that I came out myself was "I'm in the midst of Building Fund." What I could recall was, before the Building Fund started some years ago, I managed to buy small, cheap presents for my CG during the Christmas season. But when I committed to the Building Fund my very first time, I stopped this gifting habits. And ever since, Building Fund became my valid reason, or excuse for not gifting...
And this Christmas... erm... I mean the last Christmas, it was like a light bulb lighted up in my head, that I realized that I should have reserve some money for gifting. This happened after a friend of mine, a non-Christian, who is also happened to be an "Anti-CHC", bought us (my friends and I), each of us a Christmas present when we were actually celebrating her belated, very belated Birthday... I kind of felt paiseh / disgrace about myself... So that's how I gotta confess about this mindset that I have.
This is what my friend had given to us... It was not something expensive, and she wrapped those presents with magazine which was costing-saving and at the same time, creative. I was touched by her action and disgrace about myself... It was like: "Shame on you... You called yourself a Christian? A non-Christian gave you a Christmas present!"
This is our group photo for the Birthday gathering. Notice the magazine-paper-wrapped-presents. Oh my sis, Finn happened to join us as well. PeiO, the one who had prepared the presents, was sitting on the very left of this photo. She also got prepared a present for my sis! That's very nice and thoughtful of her! PeiO, you're always my 女神~! Always...
~ Side Story: Building Fund; CPF ~
This time's Building Fund is rather really stressed to me. I realized that I kind of "out-give", or "over-give". And I thought I was in the edge of not able to fulfill it because what I planned in my mind did not happen in reality. Someone who owed me money delayed the payment and I finally realized that I could not rely on the source of income already. And that's the time I am thinking of new source, of which, it could be late already...
I was listening to the FM95.8 where someone talked about money matter, or some monetary policy that was using in Singapore (the exact details I could not remember). And suddenly I was reminded I have certain savings in my Central Provident Fund (CPF) that I can withdraw! It was like God reminding me that "I am not that broke lah..." I gave up my Singapore Permanent Residence (SPR) like about one year ago from now, but my CPF account is still valid for me. Since I am no longer a SPR, the amount in my account can be withdrawn according to my likes. The only bad thing about it was, if I ever want to get back my SPR, i.e. which means to work in Singapore, I gotta returned back the amount withdrawn and together with the interest.
It is very interesting when I looked at the timing that "God" would reveal / remind those "hidden treasures" that I had but which I was not aware of or forgotten. Somehow, I would thank God that He reveals it after I had pledged the amount. If I were to be reminded about the hidden sum before the Building Fund, I would have considered those amount... Haha... But nevertheless, the CPF account should serve as my "reserved fund", 储备金 in this time of Economic Tsunami, which means I shall not use it unless it is very urgent...
Right now I have fuifilled 75% of my Building Fund. And I don't want to convert my Ringgit Malaysia to fuifill the 25%. I think I will fulfill the 25% using my money in CPF account and later in the time, I will put back the amount that I have withdrawn... Man! I thought my CPF account ain't got much leh... until recently CPF mailed to me the latest update. Wow~! Ahaha... And to think that the yearly interest is 2.5%, I think I would rather save my money in this account le...
~ Back to Confession of Not Gifting ~
I figured that it was "lame" to use "Because I am in the midst of Building Fund" as a rejection of buying and giving Christmas presents. And to think that I was still able to buy quite a lot of stuff for myself because of the "Christmas Sale"! This should not be it man! So that's why, even Christmas had over for more than 1 month, I knew that I must blog this confession down to remind myself about this mistake / negligence that I had made. Next time's Building Fund, I will have to plan, and to keep some money for the Christmas Sale, because it really saves a lot; and also to reserve certain $$$ for gifting and really gotta give presents and "return favors" to friends... What is "return favors"? When someone give you a Christmas present but you didn't, so you buy one and give the person back one gift, this is what I call return favors. It is really another real shame when someone got you present and you didn't do the same to that person...
Oh one thing that I did to "cover", to "reconcile", to 挽回 my negligence, is to buy a log cake and had a tiny, simple Christmas celebration in my house with all my cute, funny and lovely nieces and nephews. The log cake was delicious and I regretted a little for not buying the bigger one. Didn't manage to take a photo of that delicious log cake. Also, failed to answer this question: "Why do you eat log cake during Christmas season?" Erm... I really don't know... Who can tell me? Please...?
~ My Top 3 Christmas Presents ~
I wanted to show all my "Christmas Presents Harvest 2008", but since it is over for more than a month, I will only show my top 3 harvested presents... Haha...
#1: Light of the City Audio CD by Carol Chin
Carol said she wanted to "lend" me this CD because I always wanted to listen it first before I would decide whether to buy it or not. At the time of meeting, which was during Christmas Service, she passed me this brand new CD and said it was a present for me instead. I was shocked. Thank you, Huili!
#2: Addidas Workout Shorts by Jiahui Goh
This was actually "Gift Exchange" by my CG. We had a "wish list" with 3 options that tells every member what we want for our Christmas presents. Jiahui had drawn my name and she gave me this out the 3 wishes. In fact, I was a little worried that whoever bought this may not suit my need perfectly. But to my surprise, this is exactly what I want for my workout short, -- not too long nor too short. Too long if it reaches my knees actually hinders my performance when I workout. Too short will be too "sexy" that I won't wear! Haha... So that length is exactly what I wanted. And there're pockets! I got "many stuff" to carry one during workout. So I really need pockets! Thank you, Jiahui!
#3: Manchu Singlet by Peter Tan
Ever since I started to lose weight, I also started to shop for nice clothes! Haha... Yah, I know, so vain. I came across this shirt while shopping with my friend, Peter. After trying out the shirt, he offered to pay the price for me! Thank you, Peter!
This is another singlet that I got! Ahaha... I love the "simplicity" of this shirt's design. The brand is Everlast. But too bad, I still haven't got much "confident" to wear this 2 singlet out in street... :(
This Tiger beer was an award in my CG's very own "N333 Fun Awards". It was presented on 31 December 2008, before we had our 2009 Countdown. Every member got their very own awards, some got more than one award of course. I was so surprised that I also got one, because I seldom, hardly join my CG for event and CG meeting one... I am more of a "guest" than a "member" you see. But anyway, this was what Wendy had said about this Tiger Award:
I got some other Christmas presents as well, but think not putting all of their pictures here... But again, I am thankful to people for your heart-warming presents~! See? I received more than I gave... I really gotta self-reflect in this "Season of Giving". :D
~ Side Story: Building Fund; CPF ~
This time's Building Fund is rather really stressed to me. I realized that I kind of "out-give", or "over-give". And I thought I was in the edge of not able to fulfill it because what I planned in my mind did not happen in reality. Someone who owed me money delayed the payment and I finally realized that I could not rely on the source of income already. And that's the time I am thinking of new source, of which, it could be late already...
I was listening to the FM95.8 where someone talked about money matter, or some monetary policy that was using in Singapore (the exact details I could not remember). And suddenly I was reminded I have certain savings in my Central Provident Fund (CPF) that I can withdraw! It was like God reminding me that "I am not that broke lah..." I gave up my Singapore Permanent Residence (SPR) like about one year ago from now, but my CPF account is still valid for me. Since I am no longer a SPR, the amount in my account can be withdrawn according to my likes. The only bad thing about it was, if I ever want to get back my SPR, i.e. which means to work in Singapore, I gotta returned back the amount withdrawn and together with the interest.
It is very interesting when I looked at the timing that "God" would reveal / remind those "hidden treasures" that I had but which I was not aware of or forgotten. Somehow, I would thank God that He reveals it after I had pledged the amount. If I were to be reminded about the hidden sum before the Building Fund, I would have considered those amount... Haha... But nevertheless, the CPF account should serve as my "reserved fund", 储备金 in this time of Economic Tsunami, which means I shall not use it unless it is very urgent...
Right now I have fuifilled 75% of my Building Fund. And I don't want to convert my Ringgit Malaysia to fuifill the 25%. I think I will fulfill the 25% using my money in CPF account and later in the time, I will put back the amount that I have withdrawn... Man! I thought my CPF account ain't got much leh... until recently CPF mailed to me the latest update. Wow~! Ahaha... And to think that the yearly interest is 2.5%, I think I would rather save my money in this account le...
~ Back to Confession of Not Gifting ~
I figured that it was "lame" to use "Because I am in the midst of Building Fund" as a rejection of buying and giving Christmas presents. And to think that I was still able to buy quite a lot of stuff for myself because of the "Christmas Sale"! This should not be it man! So that's why, even Christmas had over for more than 1 month, I knew that I must blog this confession down to remind myself about this mistake / negligence that I had made. Next time's Building Fund, I will have to plan, and to keep some money for the Christmas Sale, because it really saves a lot; and also to reserve certain $$$ for gifting and really gotta give presents and "return favors" to friends... What is "return favors"? When someone give you a Christmas present but you didn't, so you buy one and give the person back one gift, this is what I call return favors. It is really another real shame when someone got you present and you didn't do the same to that person...
Oh one thing that I did to "cover", to "reconcile", to 挽回 my negligence, is to buy a log cake and had a tiny, simple Christmas celebration in my house with all my cute, funny and lovely nieces and nephews. The log cake was delicious and I regretted a little for not buying the bigger one. Didn't manage to take a photo of that delicious log cake. Also, failed to answer this question: "Why do you eat log cake during Christmas season?" Erm... I really don't know... Who can tell me? Please...?
~ My Top 3 Christmas Presents ~
I wanted to show all my "Christmas Presents Harvest 2008", but since it is over for more than a month, I will only show my top 3 harvested presents... Haha...
#1: Light of the City Audio CD by Carol Chin
#2: Addidas Workout Shorts by Jiahui Goh
#3: Manchu Singlet by Peter Tan
Tiger: "Give these guys a Tiger!" No, I meant these guys are like tigers and tigress. Their courage and might in times of adversity and challenges is a mark of their strength. No matter how tough things may be, they do not give up but continues to fight. What remarkable fighting power! Roar!Yup, Ming Kai (MK) was another winner of this award as well. :)
Winners -- MK & Wei LiehWendy Goh (31/12/2008)
I got some other Christmas presents as well, but think not putting all of their pictures here... But again, I am thankful to people for your heart-warming presents~! See? I received more than I gave... I really gotta self-reflect in this "Season of Giving". :D
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