Main Label: Life Update
Argh... Again, too many stories happened!!! But... can I ever write them down? Sigh... Sometimes, I really wonder what is the purpose for me to set up this blog? I could remember that all the while I always wanted to write blog, to write down all my "Dramatic" stories in life, so that I can remember them, and I am so afraid that I will forget about them... With encouragement from friends, I started this blog. But I always don't have the time to update those interesting stories... Yes... My life has upgraded from "somewhat dramatic" to "totally drama-mama"! Argh~~!!!
~ ~ Too Many Things, Too Much Commitments, and Now Losing Focus ! ! ! ~ ~
~ 1. Err... HR Issues? ~
I had been busy with ... err... hmm... should I say "HR" -- Human relationship? And this eventually got me into doing some really stupid stuff... to the extent that I almost cannot forgive myself! Well... that's the time, Jesus came and challenged me again. Immediately, I gotta try my best to forgive myself... I am glad that things are rather coming to a happy ending as of until now... I thought it gonna have certain bad ending... But...
I always joke my life as a TV series... 电视连续剧... And I tell my friends this story is coming to final episode... and hoping for good ending... And... Season 2 is on the way~! With new character~! Ahaha... Yeah~! Charot!
~ 2. Angel @ work! ~
Did a super duper drama mama angel work... Confidential. ;)
~ 3. Stock Exchange ~
Started Buying Stock Exchange! Wish me good luck! I think the timing is rather right for me to go in to the market. But there're still a lot of things for me to learn, and I have yet to find the time to do the study and research, etc.
My father was very supportive and glad that I finally doing this... I asked him how he registered his online quotes service, because I wanted to buy shares too... Not long after, he introduced his broker to me. Actually, this is the way we communicated lah... haha... I hint hint him, then he would just bring his broker to me... Then this broker, Louise, is an old guy, helped me to register lor. He is kind and helpful and informative... Well informative in a sense that it's a little winding... Haha... But still, I am thankful.
I was told to open a personal current account in the bank, so that I can get the cheque book for the purpose of paying. And yeah~! I got my very personal cheque book for the first time! Ahaha...
Ok, ok... the point I want to make here is all about my beloved father's reaction... I got my share-buying account, it comes with number "121", my family love the number "21", so Papa was like... "Wah... you got such a nice number..." and he was smiling... Then I told him my current account number... He like lagi more happy lor... "Wah... also nice number leh... You asked for them to give this number for you, is it? Or... " Then I replied, "no lah, it so happened to get this number when I went to open account lor... Didn't ask them to reserve this number for me one lah..."
I think, to him, it is like good beginning lor... "好兆头!"
Then the next is about my mama... We (Papa, Mama & I) so happened to watch TV together in the morning while having breakfast, the show was “早安你好!” then it talked about investment, saying the best way to earn money, as in term of earning the interest, is by stock exchange. My Mama always put her $$$ in Fixed Deposit (FD), which Papa always knows that this is not a good method. So he emphasised it again. Because of the "economic tsunami" last year, the FD rate now is greatly reduced. Then Mama now also decided to put $$$ in stock exchange, she asked papa to buy for her, of which then, Papa refer her to me. Then recently, she finally gimme her $$$ and I transferred it into my account already...
I personally don't have much $$$ in my bank account, I only took out a little to do the "trying". Papa had asked my bro-in-law, Liang Jun(LJ) to help me with this thing. LJ was shocked the first time he heard that, because papa is the one he learned a lot from... But anyway, LJ introduced me to buy Pelikan... I wanted to buy 1 only, but my father said "buy 1 no use one, buy 2"... so I bought 2 shares lor... and of which, like left no more money for the rest liao...
Then after I transferred Mama's $$$... I thought I can "cheat" a little of those $$$ to buy my lappy... haha... But... not long after, Papa asked me to buy this shares using Mama's $$$... He asked me to call to broker and buy... He said 7 shares... But I hesitated...Then he was like, "what are you waiting for?" I replied, "7 shares? That's about 90% of Mama's $$$ liao." But eventually, I called and did the transaction already. Haha... A businessman's mindset is indeed different lor...
And now, Mama is going to gimme more $$$ to buy... Heh heh... I will try my best not to devour the $$$ for myself... haha... Oops... erm... Well... "just kidding"... I got "Integrity" one ok! Haha...
~ 4. Craving Sooo Many for Sony Products~
I am so materialistic lately... Especially I am craving for Sony products:-
1. Sony Vaio VGN-FW46GJ/B
2. Sony Ericsson SatioTM (not released yet, or maybe C905, or W995)
3. PSP 3000!!! -- maybe red colour! And with the GPS thing...
4. Sony Bravia S20 Series - Orange colour
5. And forgetting not, PS3 16G !!!
(Lazy to put up the pictures... XP)
See that? But right now, I sooo sooo sooo want the Sony Vaio lappy... I need a super duper powerful lappy for my multi-tasking life man! There's a PC Fair on mid August here in JB, Bersada Conventional Hall I think. I definitely want to get it at ALL COST! Haha... As for SatioTM, it is still not out yet... so gotta wait... Argh... I need more $$$ !!!
Yeah, I am not so much of a "iLife" person, but indeed, I am a "Sony Style" person, you see. ;)
My sis, Finn wanted to venture into T-shirt business... She kind of like feels that I am always "eng eng cheng cheng" (means "busy" in Hokkien) like that, so she asked me to help her. But of course, not because I am available so she asked me lah, but because 1. I am her brother, 2. I am clever. Haha... We did travel to KL before to look at the shirt printing machine before... But... it is not so ideal to buy it now.
At first, I only helped her as on the superficial level only, but now, I think I came out a pretty good name for our business, and that makes me now very driven for it! Haha... I hope things can work out good, better and best! Prosper, prospering & prosperous!
Prosper, prospering & prosperous in my 1. stock exchange, 2. new shirt business, and 3. Sony products!!! Ahaha...
~ 6. PeiO and Ah Fer Came In JB Again ~
Yeah~! I asked PeiO, and finally they came again! This time I introduced my new friend, Wayne to them. We were having great time together! Lunching, shopping, dinnering, nite-time teaing, and PeiO can do her auntie-hobby here -- prawn fishing! or "prawning"? Haha... I still cannot believe that I got friends who love such hobby! So auntie... Haha... But, but, but... she managed to hook 3 prawns... And this is not her best record lor...
I shared with them what I had gone through with the HR thing during a long journey to the "legendary" Japanese restaurant. The traffic was slow because it was after work time, going-home time, so I managed to tell my long long story during the long drive... Haha...
And yes, the Japanese food was nice! When we got there, we gotta wait for about 1 hour, and that's the time we went, err... I mean PeiO went prawning... Haha... Think PeiO got the photos for the day... Will ask her to upload into Facebook ba... But she is like forever busy...
Oh yes, btw, PeiO's boy boy proposed to her! I first got this news from reading Ah Fer's Multiply blog. Was a little upset that she didn't tell me in person, but its ok. After I verified with her, I am still happy for her! "HAPPILY EVER AFTER" to you PeiO, you are always my 女神!
~ 7. Listening to Secret Garden music ~
I happened to find this song calls, "Song from a Secret Garden" from my data, it was sent by Ah Fer via gmail like long time ago. I listened to it and realized that I totally like it! I spent one whole Sunday trying to put it into my blog site. I was like wasting the whole day and finally found out the problem and solved it already. Now I hate! It was given me the biggest problem in putting the music in my blog. The link it provided was not a mp3 format. That's why cannot play music. I uploaded the song to "google" site and it works eventually!
Anyway, I was shopping again and happened to found this song! With only a little time of hesitation, I bought this album from Secret Garden. It is a "Deluxe Version", like a compilation, it comes with 2 CDs and 1 DVD. It cost about RM80 for the whole package, after Popular Bookshop member discount. At first I thought I was buying this song for RM80. But thank-God-ly nope, I fell in love with many of the songs inside. Yeah~! Glad that I owned it now.
~ 8. Continuing My Lasam Life Now ~
There are many issues in my life that are right now in "Keep In View" (KIV) mode. At the same time, there are also many things waiting for me to do... especially work stuff. And now gotta venture into new business... Wish me all the best and pray for me ya! Gotta get busy now! Will defintely update again!
~ ~ Too Many Things, Too Much Commitments, and Now Losing Focus ! ! ! ~ ~
~ 1. Err... HR Issues? ~
I had been busy with ... err... hmm... should I say "HR" -- Human relationship? And this eventually got me into doing some really stupid stuff... to the extent that I almost cannot forgive myself! Well... that's the time, Jesus came and challenged me again. Immediately, I gotta try my best to forgive myself... I am glad that things are rather coming to a happy ending as of until now... I thought it gonna have certain bad ending... But...
I always joke my life as a TV series... 电视连续剧... And I tell my friends this story is coming to final episode... and hoping for good ending... And... Season 2 is on the way~! With new character~! Ahaha... Yeah~! Charot!
~ 2. Angel @ work! ~
Did a super duper drama mama angel work... Confidential. ;)
~ 3. Stock Exchange ~
Started Buying Stock Exchange! Wish me good luck! I think the timing is rather right for me to go in to the market. But there're still a lot of things for me to learn, and I have yet to find the time to do the study and research, etc.
My father was very supportive and glad that I finally doing this... I asked him how he registered his online quotes service, because I wanted to buy shares too... Not long after, he introduced his broker to me. Actually, this is the way we communicated lah... haha... I hint hint him, then he would just bring his broker to me... Then this broker, Louise, is an old guy, helped me to register lor. He is kind and helpful and informative... Well informative in a sense that it's a little winding... Haha... But still, I am thankful.
I was told to open a personal current account in the bank, so that I can get the cheque book for the purpose of paying. And yeah~! I got my very personal cheque book for the first time! Ahaha...
Ok, ok... the point I want to make here is all about my beloved father's reaction... I got my share-buying account, it comes with number "121", my family love the number "21", so Papa was like... "Wah... you got such a nice number..." and he was smiling... Then I told him my current account number... He like lagi more happy lor... "Wah... also nice number leh... You asked for them to give this number for you, is it? Or... " Then I replied, "no lah, it so happened to get this number when I went to open account lor... Didn't ask them to reserve this number for me one lah..."
I think, to him, it is like good beginning lor... "好兆头!"
Then the next is about my mama... We (Papa, Mama & I) so happened to watch TV together in the morning while having breakfast, the show was “早安你好!” then it talked about investment, saying the best way to earn money, as in term of earning the interest, is by stock exchange. My Mama always put her $$$ in Fixed Deposit (FD), which Papa always knows that this is not a good method. So he emphasised it again. Because of the "economic tsunami" last year, the FD rate now is greatly reduced. Then Mama now also decided to put $$$ in stock exchange, she asked papa to buy for her, of which then, Papa refer her to me. Then recently, she finally gimme her $$$ and I transferred it into my account already...
I personally don't have much $$$ in my bank account, I only took out a little to do the "trying". Papa had asked my bro-in-law, Liang Jun(LJ) to help me with this thing. LJ was shocked the first time he heard that, because papa is the one he learned a lot from... But anyway, LJ introduced me to buy Pelikan... I wanted to buy 1 only, but my father said "buy 1 no use one, buy 2"... so I bought 2 shares lor... and of which, like left no more money for the rest liao...
Then after I transferred Mama's $$$... I thought I can "cheat" a little of those $$$ to buy my lappy... haha... But... not long after, Papa asked me to buy this shares using Mama's $$$... He asked me to call to broker and buy... He said 7 shares... But I hesitated...Then he was like, "what are you waiting for?" I replied, "7 shares? That's about 90% of Mama's $$$ liao." But eventually, I called and did the transaction already. Haha... A businessman's mindset is indeed different lor...
And now, Mama is going to gimme more $$$ to buy... Heh heh... I will try my best not to devour the $$$ for myself... haha... Oops... erm... Well... "just kidding"... I got "Integrity" one ok! Haha...
~ 4. Craving Sooo Many for Sony Products~
I am so materialistic lately... Especially I am craving for Sony products:-
1. Sony Vaio VGN-FW46GJ/B
2. Sony Ericsson SatioTM (not released yet, or maybe C905, or W995)
3. PSP 3000!!! -- maybe red colour! And with the GPS thing...
4. Sony Bravia S20 Series - Orange colour
5. And forgetting not, PS3 16G !!!
(Lazy to put up the pictures... XP)
See that? But right now, I sooo sooo sooo want the Sony Vaio lappy... I need a super duper powerful lappy for my multi-tasking life man! There's a PC Fair on mid August here in JB, Bersada Conventional Hall I think. I definitely want to get it at ALL COST! Haha... As for SatioTM, it is still not out yet... so gotta wait... Argh... I need more $$$ !!!
Yeah, I am not so much of a "iLife" person, but indeed, I am a "Sony Style" person, you see. ;)
"I~ 5. Venture into New Business ! ~Style" ;)
My sis, Finn wanted to venture into T-shirt business... She kind of like feels that I am always "eng eng cheng cheng" (means "busy" in Hokkien) like that, so she asked me to help her. But of course, not because I am available so she asked me lah, but because 1. I am her brother, 2. I am clever. Haha... We did travel to KL before to look at the shirt printing machine before... But... it is not so ideal to buy it now.
At first, I only helped her as on the superficial level only, but now, I think I came out a pretty good name for our business, and that makes me now very driven for it! Haha... I hope things can work out good, better and best! Prosper, prospering & prosperous!
Prosper, prospering & prosperous in my 1. stock exchange, 2. new shirt business, and 3. Sony products!!! Ahaha...
~ 6. PeiO and Ah Fer Came In JB Again ~
Yeah~! I asked PeiO, and finally they came again! This time I introduced my new friend, Wayne to them. We were having great time together! Lunching, shopping, dinnering, nite-time teaing, and PeiO can do her auntie-hobby here -- prawn fishing! or "prawning"? Haha... I still cannot believe that I got friends who love such hobby! So auntie... Haha... But, but, but... she managed to hook 3 prawns... And this is not her best record lor...
I shared with them what I had gone through with the HR thing during a long journey to the "legendary" Japanese restaurant. The traffic was slow because it was after work time, going-home time, so I managed to tell my long long story during the long drive... Haha...
And yes, the Japanese food was nice! When we got there, we gotta wait for about 1 hour, and that's the time we went, err... I mean PeiO went prawning... Haha... Think PeiO got the photos for the day... Will ask her to upload into Facebook ba... But she is like forever busy...
Oh yes, btw, PeiO's boy boy proposed to her! I first got this news from reading Ah Fer's Multiply blog. Was a little upset that she didn't tell me in person, but its ok. After I verified with her, I am still happy for her! "HAPPILY EVER AFTER" to you PeiO, you are always my 女神!
~ 7. Listening to Secret Garden music ~
I happened to find this song calls, "Song from a Secret Garden" from my data, it was sent by Ah Fer via gmail like long time ago. I listened to it and realized that I totally like it! I spent one whole Sunday trying to put it into my blog site. I was like wasting the whole day and finally found out the problem and solved it already. Now I hate! It was given me the biggest problem in putting the music in my blog. The link it provided was not a mp3 format. That's why cannot play music. I uploaded the song to "google" site and it works eventually!
Anyway, I was shopping again and happened to found this song! With only a little time of hesitation, I bought this album from Secret Garden. It is a "Deluxe Version", like a compilation, it comes with 2 CDs and 1 DVD. It cost about RM80 for the whole package, after Popular Bookshop member discount. At first I thought I was buying this song for RM80. But thank-God-ly nope, I fell in love with many of the songs inside. Yeah~! Glad that I owned it now.
~ 8. Continuing My Lasam Life Now ~
There are many issues in my life that are right now in "Keep In View" (KIV) mode. At the same time, there are also many things waiting for me to do... especially work stuff. And now gotta venture into new business... Wish me all the best and pray for me ya! Gotta get busy now! Will defintely update again!
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